Saturday, October 11, 2008

Moving studio

It gets cold dear.
And now it's clear.
So, dear world, this is what I propose to do with this blog.
For 45 years I have been writing anecdotes and snippets about creativity and art; and teaching too.
So I'm gonna dig them out and publish them here...... along with work in progress, snatches and sketches of things on the move, painting wise.
Does that seem like a good idea?


The Lovely Things for Wonderful Women Blog said...

Yes it seems like a great idea! Your work is fantastic.

jackfulton said...
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jackfulton said...

To publish, web-wise, odd yet old permutations of the mind set that brought you to where you are now midst the revelatory atmosphere of spontaneous creativity would be a marvelous contribution to a world in dire need of generosity. It is not hind-sight but sense non-traditional.